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57830 Results Found


MACRA Decision Guide

AHA's MACRA Decision Guide will help hospitals and clinicians determine which QPP track would be best to pursue.

Clinical Integration - Program Case Examples

Case Examples Building Quality into

Clinical Integration - Links to Other Resources

Center on An Aging Society

House Energy and Commerce Committee releases 340B report

The House Energy and Commerce Committee yesterday released a report on

CDC: Flu activity, hospitalizations on rise

The flu hospitalization rate rose to 22.7 per 100,000 people in the first week of January from 17.7 the prior week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

CMS call Jan. 23 on transition to Medicare beneficiary identifier

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services will host a Jan.

Clarification on CMS life-safety requirements for door latches

ASHE weighs in on interpretations regarding revised Conditions of Participation for corridor doors

ASHE issues update on CMS ligature-risk policy

Special consideration should be given to emergency departments and locations where at-risk patients are treated

New Tool Improves Diabetes Education

Nurses at Mercy Hospital of Buffalo, part of Catholic Health, introduced a Diabetes Education Qui

Improving Outcomes

Maimonides Medical Center implemented four evidence-based practices using the Plan, Do, Study, Act methodology that improved colorectal