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57836 Results Found

AHA clinical leadership committee names 2018 leaders, seeks nominations

Cheryl Hoying, senior vice president of patient services at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, will chair the AHA’s Committee for Clinical Leadership for 2018.

Reminder: Feb. 2 deadline to apply for AHA quality leadership award

Named after AHA President Emeritus Dick Davidson, the annual award honors a state, regional or metropolitan hospital association that demonstrates exceptional organizational leadership and innovation in quality improvement.

John Muir Health – Beyond Violence

Overview John Muir Health (JMH) recognizes the role violence plays in the health of communities and individuals caught in the cycle of violence.

Hahnemann University Hospital – Healing Hurt People

Overview Healing Hurt People (HHP), the cornerstone program of the Center for Nonviolence and Social Justice, recognizes that victims of violence often have physical and mental health con

CDC reports increase in U.S. birth defects in areas with local Zika transmission

Birth defects associated with Zika virus infection during pregnancy increased 21% in the last half of 2016 in Puerto Rico and portions of Florida and Texas where local Zika virus transmission have been reported.

FTC issues consumer factsheet on safe opioid dependence treatments

The Federal Trade Commission today released a factsheet to help consumers find safe treatment for opioid dependence or withdrawal.

Reminder: AHA invitation for trustee involvement open through Feb. 22

The service on the AHA's boards would begin in 2019.

Keeping teens from being repeat victims of gunshot, knife wounds

Mark Gestring, M.D., a trauma surgeon at the University of Rochester (N.Y.) Medical Center (URMC), was fed up seeing teenagers arrive at the trauma center to be treated for gunshot or knife wounds,

How one hospital is applying public health interventions in effort to curb gun violence

Discovering that people treated for gunshot wounds in your hospital are 21 times more likely to get shot again and wind up back in the hospital is a disturbing statistic.

Medical Devices and Cyber Issues

Medical devices are crucial to health care, and every hospital manages thousands of them. However, devices also carry potential security risks.