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57840 Results Found

Come to the AHA Annual Membership Meeting

When hospital and health system leaders from across the nation come to the 2018 AHA Annual Membership Meeting, May 6-9, in Washington, D.C., they will make their voices heard on Capitol Hill.

Free benchmarking tool helps to boost energy-saving efforts

The Energy to Care program also includes awards that recognize hospitals for energy-efficiency achievements

Greenville Health System – School Health Program

Greenville, SC November 2017

Congress Passes Spending Bill With Hospital and Health System Priorities

Congress today passed and President Trump signed into law a massive two-year budget bill containing a number of priorities important to hospitals and health systems.

CDC: Flu Hospitalizations Continue to Rise

The flu hospitalization rate rose last week to 59.9 per 100,000 people, the highest rate for this point in the year since the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention began enhanced surveillance of laboratory-confirmed flu hospitalizations during the H1N1 flu pandemic in 2009-2010.

Eugene A. Woods

Community benefits go far beyond charity care

Charity care spending flat among top hospitals (January 6, 2018) gives readers an inaccurate and incomplete picture of

Axios Article on Hospital Audits Tells One Side of Story, Leaves out Key Information

Axios’ recent article on hospital audits conducted by CMS’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) is misleading and only tells one side of the story by leaving out key information that readers deserve

DOJ Memos Chart a New Course on False Claims Act Enforcement

A pair of seemingly disconnected directives issued in January to Department of Justice (DOJ) attorneys handling civil False Claims Act (FCA) cases could mark a significant shift in the type and num

Maureen Mudron