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57867 Results Found

Influencing EPA’s testing decisions

How to stay updated on regulatory changes and play a role in their outcome

Rules for maintaining assemblies

Ten rules when replacing or adding new swinging-door assemblies

ASHE's advocacy team continues push for code unification

Group works toward better codes and smoother surveys while keeping its sights on improving the physical environment

Guidance to assess ligature risks

CMS works with Joint Commission to prepare permanent guidance on reducing ligature risks

‘Active shooter’ issue prompts barricade concerns

NFPA codes and Americans with Disabilities Act requirements conflict with barricades

Conducting alternate equipment-maintenance assessments

A comprehensive approach to comply with CMS rules for equipment inspection, testing and maintenance

How accreditation groups address AEM requirements

How the Joint Commission and other accreditors interpret CMS standards

ASHE conference sets stage for optimizing the physical environment

Annual conference focuses on creating a game plan for the future of health care facilities in the face of change

Prefabrication and health care construction

Implementing prefabrication in health facility projects comes with a number of advantages and challenges

Hospital maximizes prefabrication in expansion project

Design and construction team set prefabrication strategy early in planning process