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57870 Results Found

Catherine Carruth


AHA Names New Trustees to the Board

WASHINGTON (August 6, 2018) - The American Hospital Association (AHA) has elected seven membe

FCC to consider $100 million for telehealth

Plus: ASHE seeks life-safety testing data from the field

Healing and hospitality

A combination of natural light, warm design and comfortable furniture evoke a hotel environment at New Jersey hospital

Running a green environmental services department

Tactics to increase environmental sustainability, improve patient care and boost efficiencies

Toolkit provides sustainability help for ES departments

New AHE resource helps to put green initiatives into practice

FGI Guidelines help to redefine imaging spaces

Classification system helps architects meet planning requirements

Emerging technologies impact hospital infrastructure and design

Strategies to keep health care design on track with new technologies

Energy-saving ideas for every project

Strategies for improving hospital efficiency and reducing costs for new and existing facilities