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57826 Results Found

Physician Perceptions & Alignment Models: Results from a Physician Survey

Dr. John Cherf, chief medical officer at Lumere, explores the findings from a physician survey regarding how physicians make decisions as it relates to costs, quality, and variations.

COVID-19 Ventilation Guidance Efforts

A review and compilation of the recommended controls for ventilation systems in treatment and isolation areas in health care facilities.

Pitfalls Of Purchased Services

Discover tips that can separate a health system’s success or failure when creating a viable purchased services sourcing program in this short video webcast.

AHE VPEI Curriculum: Research Review

The fourth module of the VPEI program focuses on research resources and differences in rigor, bias, and results.

New Health Centers Put Patients at the Center of Everything

Presentation Resource
Focusing on optimizing health and meeting consumers’ needs, Centura Health identified 33 geographic health neighborhoods across Colorado. For each health neighborhood, gaps in health services and resources were identified. While the precise mix of services depends on local needs, a Neighborhood Health Center was placed in each identified neighborhood.

The Joint Commission | ASHE

ASHE has collaborated with the Joint Commission to provide Focus on Compliance resources that can help facility professionals keep their facilities in compliance with Joint Commission requirements.

AHRMM Fellow Review Committee

The AHRMM Fellow Review Committee reviews applications submitted by AHRMM members seeking the Fellow (FAHRMM) designation and awards the designation to those applicants who successfully meet FAHRMM criteria. Committee members additionally serve as mentors and guide applicants through the required fellow paper submission process. AHRMM Fellow Review Committee members must have a current FAHRMM Credential.

Population Health: The Supply Chain Perspective

Karen Conway, vice president, healthcare value, GHX and Mike Schiller, AHRMM's Director of Supply Chair, discuss population health and the role of supply chain.

AHE VPEI Curriculum: Post Implementation

The final module of the VPEI program focuses on measuring outcomes of an implementation.

COVID-19 Vaccines: A Guide for Facilities

Selecting vaccine storage equipment; Is your facility coronavirus vaccine ready?; COVID-19 Vaccines: A Guide for Individuals.