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57870 Results Found

House Seeks Comments on Health Care Cybersecurity Challenges

The House Energy & Commerce Committee today requested information from stakeholders on the cybersecurity challenges presented by legacy health care technologies and medical devices, and potential policies to address them.

AHA, AARP CEOs Highlight ‘Exorbitantly-priced Drugs’ in Hill OpEd

AHA President and CEO Rick Pollack and AARP CEO Jo Ann Jenkins today authored an OpEd in The Hill discussing the skyrocketing costs of prescription drugs and what they mean for patients and our health care system.

Chair File: Valuable Resources for Trustees

AHA Trustee Services – accessible on the AHA’s website at – now is the hub for AHA’s trustee education efforts.

Hospitals Can Apply for FY 2019 EHR Hardship Exception

Inpatient prospective payment system hospitals and critical access hospitals that did not achieve meaningful use of electronic health records under the Medicare EHR Incentive Program for 2017 can now apply for a hardship exception.

AHA Comments on Energy and Commerce Opioid Bills

AHA Friday voiced support for several legislative proposals before the House Energy and Commerce Committee to address the opioid crisis.

Symantec Announces New Cyberattack Threat to Health Care Sector

A group called Orangeworm has been observed installing malicious software called a custom backdoor Trojan within large international corporations that operate in the health care sector in the United States, Europe and Asia, cybersecurity software company Symantec announced today.

AHA: Proposed Rule for Short-term Plans Misses Mark

AHA today urged the departments of Treasury, Labor, and Health and Human Services not to finalize a proposed rule that would allow short-term, limited-duration health plans to provide coverage for up to 364 days, eliminating the current three-month limit.

Senators Urge FCC to Raise Funding Cap for Rural Telemedicine

Thirty-one senators today urged the Federal Communications Commission to “sufficiently increase” the funding cap for the Rural Health Care Program, which helps rural patients access care through telehealth and broadband services.

Azar Elaborates on Plans to Lower Prescription Drug Prices

Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar today provided additional information on steps the agency will take to implement the president’s blueprint to lower prescription drug costs.

Senate HELP Committee Hearing Examines 340B Program

The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee today held the second in a series of hearings examining the 340B drug savings program.