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57870 Results Found

SAMHSA Announces Opioid Overdose Treatment Grants

Qualified opioid treatment programs, practitioners and health centers can apply through June 4 for up to $200,000 a year for five years to expand access to Food and Drug Administration-approved opioid overdose treatments, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration announced yesterday.

Hospitals Participating in HHS Preparedness Exercise

More than 50 organizations, including hospitals, are participating in an exercise today through Thursday to test the nation’s ability to move patients with highly infectious diseases to regional treatment facilities, the Department of Health and Human Services announced today.

AHA Reiterates Support for Legislation to Align 42 CFR Part 2 with HIPAA

As the House Energy and Commerce Committee prepares to craft comprehensive legislation to address the nation’s opioid epidemic, AHA today urged the committee to report legislation to align 42 CFR Part 2 with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.

Nurses Valuable Problem Solvers; Collapsed Woman Saved by Nurses in Restaurant; and Other News

Also in this roundup: AONE honors members for outstanding leadership practice and nurse leaders named to new positions at hospitals and health systems.

California Hospital Association Opposes Rate-Setting Bill

The California Hospital Association strongly urged the state legislature yesterday to reject a bill that would cut payments to hospitals, doctors and other providers through a unilateral rate-setting government commission.

CMS Reports on Care Disparities for MA Beneficiaries

A new report from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ Office of Minority Health looks at racial, ethnic and gender differences on 27 clinical quality and eight patient experience measures for beneficiaries with Medicare Advantage health and drug plans in 2015-2016.

President Orders Agencies to Review Programs to Promote ‘Economic Mobility’

President Trump yesterday issued an executive order directing the Department of Health and Human Services and other federal agencies to review their public assistance programs to determine whether enforcement of a work requirement would be consistent with federal law and certain “principles of economic mobility.”

Ways and Means Committee Issues Opioid White Paper

House Ways and Means Committee leaders today released a white paper summarizing stakeholder recommendations for Medicare-related legislation to address the opioid crisis, which the committee plans to use to develop and advance bipartisan policies.

Senate, House Hold Hearings on Opioid Legislation

The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee today held a hearing on a discussion draft of bipartisan legislation to address the opioid crisis, which the committee will mark up on April 24.

UnitedHealth Brings on More Doctors in ‘Arms Race’ with Hospitals; Boston Marathon Survivors Spark Health Care Advances

Also in this week’s roundup: New research shows millennials are more apt to use non-traditional ways to engage with the health care system, and large study offers more evidence of a link between traumatic brain injuries and dementia later in life.