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57870 Results Found

Hospitals Boost Georgia Economy, But Face Financial Challenges

Georgia hospitals contributed more than $49 billion to the state’s economy in 2016, providing more than 366,000 direct and indirect jobs, according to a recent report by the Georgia Hospital Association.

Project ACHIEVE Pilot Study on Care Transitions Reports Results

Patients discharged from the hospital and those who care for them would like hospitals to communicate in a supportive, collaborative and purposeful way, anticipate and explain how they will address their needs, and ensure continuity of care, according to a pilot study by Project ACHIEVE.

Report: Overall Cancer Deaths Continue to Decline

Overall cancer death rates continue to decline for U.S. men, women and children in all major racial and ethnic groups, according to the latest annual report to the nation on the status of cancer.

CMS Urged to Withdraw Proposed Rule on Medicaid Access to Care

In comments submitted yesterday, AHA strongly urged the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to withdraw a proposed rule that would exempt states with high Medicaid managed care enrollment or that propose “nominal” rate reductions from requirements to assess whether their Medicaid fee-for-service rates are sufficient to ensure beneficiary access to covered services.

Dispelling Myths About Human Trafficking for Health Care Providers

The International Labour Organization estimates that human trafficking is a $150 billion industry worldwide, with approximately 21 million victims.

Nurse Watch: Nurses Again Top Gallup Poll of Trusted Professions and Other Nurse News

Nurses were ranked the most trusted profession in 2017, according to the annual Gallup poll on honesty and ethical standards, AONE reports.

AHA supports MedPAC’s proposed hospital updates, urges PAC changes

The AHA this week applauded the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission’s draft recommendation to provide positive updates for the inpatient and outpatient prospective payment systems in 2019, noting

President issues executive order to promote access to rural broadband

President Trump today issued an executive order directing federal agencies to “use all viable tools to ac

Hospitals Against Violence: Standing Up for Victims of Human Trafficking

In a LinkedIn piece this week, Providence St. Joseph Health President and CEO Rod Hochman, M.D., a member of the AHA Board of Trustees, explains why the Renton, WA-based health system has made it a priority to help end human trafficking, including forced prostitution.

NAM Collaborative Highlights Progress to Advance Clinician Well-being

The National Academy of Medicine Action Collaborative on Clinician Well-Being and Resilience yesterday held its second public meeting on establishing clinician well-being as a national priority.