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57826 Results Found

Challenged by Your Organization's Culture? Learn How to Change Defiance Into Delight Through This Culture Change Process

Presentation Resource
In this session we will help you: 1. Better understand different types of cultures; 2. Use a tool, Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) to see what your culture is today and what you want it to become; 3. Work on an effective 6-step process you can use to begin to change your organization’s culture.

Voices of ASHE

Voices of ASHE highlights individual members and their diverse experiences.

Measure your Supply Chain Success with Survey Support Cards

Stuart Layhe shares his method for measuring supply chain department success with quarterly support card surveys used to make improvements.

Oncology Benchmarks for Business Development

Presentation Resource
"How many infusion chairs and nurses will we need if we employ or integrate with a medical oncologist?" "How would increased market share for prostate radiation impact our staffing and billed services?" This session will answer these questions and much more.

Onboarding New Providers: Alignment with Strategic Growth Objectives

Presentation Resource
This session will demonstrate how onboarding is more than a nice thing to do, it is critical to not only ensure the practice minimizes financial subsidies, turnover rates, and recruitment costs, but also to fulfill the organization's strategic objectives.

Ordering, Shipping, and Materials Management: A Process Improvement Partnership Case Study

On-Demand Educational Webinars
Learn about a comprehensive assessment and process improvement exercise on the Total Cost of Ownership model by UPMC and Cook Medical. Specific areas of focus include ordering, shipping, and materials management. In this webinar, we go into each of these areas in depth and demonstrate the impact that this project has had on both organizations.

Measuring 15 Key Supply Chain Indexes

Hear how to measure your organization against 15 key supply chain indexes for actionable insights related to health care supply chain and change thinking.

Business Planning Part B: Tools, Templates and Techniques

Presentation Resource
From concept to completed submission, this session will walk you through all of the major components of writing an effective business plan. We will also provide tools and templates to guide you and help you focus on the important elements of business planning.

AHE Exchange 2018

The AHE Exchange 2018 will be held at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in Columbus, Ohio.

Developing a successful sustainable energy program

Taking account of current emissions helps to set the foundation for future energy efficiency investments