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57884 Results Found

AHA Calls for Renewed Deadline, Other Remedies to Reduce Appeals Backlog

In a brief filed today in federal court, the AHA and three member hospitals reaffirmed their support for four broad categories of non-deadline remedies to reduce the backlog of Medicare billing appeals awaiting adjudication at the Administrative Law Judge level.

Chair File: Community Partnership Helps Kids Manage Asthma

St. Louis Children’s Hospital launched the Healthy Kids Express Asthma Program in 2009 to address the number 1 diagnosis in the St. Louis public school district and number 1 reason for students missing school.

Sept. 14 Application Deadline for AHA-AMGA Learning Collaborative

The AHA and AMGA invite their members to join a learning collaborative on developing and advancing clinical enterprises in an uncertain and dynamic environment for hospitals, health systems and medical groups.

Oregon Hospitals Release Workplace Violence Prevention Toolkit

The Oregon Association of Hospitals and Health Systems has released a toolkit to help hospital leaders and others prevent and reduce violence against hospital workers, developed in collaboration with other health care and labor stakeholders.

Study: 1 in 6 Hospitals Stays in Large Group Market Result in a Surprise Medical Bill

Enrollees in large employer health plans with inpatient admissions receive an out-of-network medical bill approximately 18% of the time, according to an analysis released today by Kaiser Family Foundation.

Society recommends mandatory flu vaccination for PAC, LTC personnel 

The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine has issued guida

CDC: 2.2 million adult hospital stays for heart-related events in 2016

Heart attack, stroke and other cardiovascular events were responsible for more than 2.2 million hospital stays and 415,000 deaths involving adults in 2016, according to a Vital Signs report released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

AONE Advocacy Day draws nurse leaders to Capitol Hill

More than 150 nurse leaders yesterday attended an American Organization of Nurse Executives’ Advocacy Day in Washington D.C.

Court: Failure to provide 2017 CSR payments to insurer violated ACA

The federal government violated a statutory obligation created by Congress in the Affordable Care Act when it failed to provide Montana Health, an issuer of qualified health plans on the Montana and Idaho health insurance exchanges, its full cost-sharing reduction payments for 2017, a federal judge ruled yesterday.

Committee approves four Medicare-related bills

The House Ways and Means Committee yesterday approved legislation that would establish a three-year pilot program to test using smart card technology to combat Medicare fraud and protect beneficiary identity.