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57884 Results Found

Nurse Saves Girl with No Pulse; Nurse Leaders Run with Emotional Intelligence Training

Also in this weekly roundup: study shows initial nurse documentation helpful in predicting patient mortality.

NIH Funds New Research Projects in Health Care Settings

The National Institutes of Health yesterday awarded grants to five new projects through its Health Care Systems Research Collaboratory, which conducts clinical trials in the health care settings where patients normally receive their care.

Providence Health System Transitioning from Acute Care to New Types of Services

In an effort to make care more accessible to its changing community, Washington, D.C.-based Providence Health System will transition out of acute care services by the end of 2018 and will instead offer care coordination, telehealth services and virtual care, primary and urgent care, home care, community-based behavioral health care, senior care and more, the organization said in a statement.

AHA Joins Aligning for Health Initiative

The AHA has joined Aligning for Health, a coalition advocating for federal and state solutions to address the social determinants of health.

Pai: Closing Digital Divide is FCC Top Priority

Testifying this afternoon at a House hearing on Federal Communications Commission oversight, FCC Chairman Ajit Pai called closing the digital divide his “top priority,” citing the agency’s recent actions to expand access to broadband and telehealth services in rural America.

CMS: 2017 Risk Adjustment Transfers to Begin in September

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services expects to begin $10.4 billion in risk adjustment transfers for benefit year 2017 in September, according to a final rule posted last night.

CMS Releases 2019 OPPS/ASC Proposed Rule, Expands Site-Neutral, 340B Cuts

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services today proposed to update hospital outpatient prospective payment system rates by 1.25% in calendar year 2019 compared to CY 2018.

AHA Advertorial: Hospitals are Making Care More Affordable

Hospitals are redesigning their delivery systems, improving quality and outcomes, embracing new reimbursement models, and leveraging technology to make care more affordable, according to an AHA advertorial published today in the Wall Street Journal.

AHA Reports: More Hospitals Using Health IT to Improve Care

A growing number of hospitals are using health information technology to improve health care quality and support new models of care, according to TrendWatch reports released today by the AHA.

House Passes Bills to Expand Access to Low-value, High-deductible Plans

The House of Representatives last night voted 242-176 to approve legislation (H.R. 6311) that would allow individuals purchasing health insurance in the individual market to purchase a lower value “copper” plan, which could drive more individuals to buy inadequate coverage and increase bad debt for providers.