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57892 Results Found

Chicago hospitals team up to address the social determinants of health

Also in this roundup of weekly health care news: Texas health systems announce intent to merge; the changing role of public health; and Chrysler, other big businesses see savings in investing in employee health care.

Tackling the Threat of Antimicrobial Resistance: Take the CDC AMR Challenge

Join me in taking the CDC AMR Challenge to tackle the pressing issue of antimicrobial resistance in order to ensure a holistic, multidisciplinary approach in combatting AMR at the regional and national levels.

IHF conference to feature U.S. session on hospitals as change agents

The AHA and American College of Healthcare Executives will deliver a joint session on hospitals as change agents in their communities during the International Hospital Federation’s World Hospital Congress Oct. 10-12 in Brisbane, Australia.

Twitter chat next week on building healthy communities

U.S. News and World Report will host a Twitter chat on building healthy communities at 1:30 p.m. ET Oct. 10.

CMS revises Medicare local coverage determination process

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has revised the way Medicare administrative contractors make local coverage determinations for medical technologies.

Study: Fewer exchange plans providing out-of-network benefits

Only 29 percent of health plans in the individual market included out-of-network coverage in 2018, down from 58 percent in 2015.

CMS posts compliance survey data, tests streamlined validation process

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services yesterday posted a summary of validation survey results for hospitals in fiscal years 2014-2016, and survey reports for hospitals with a compliance deficiency in the past six months.

CMS releases final Physician Fee Schedule rule for CY 2019

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services today issued its final rule to update the Physician Fee Schedule for calendar year 2019.  

Hospitals add 13,000 jobs in October

Employment at the nation's hospitals rose by 0.25 percent in October to a seasonally adjusted 5,216,100 people.

CHA President and CEO Sister Carol Keehan announces retirement

Sister Carol Keehan this week announced that she will retire as president and CEO of the Catholic Health Association of the United States.