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57890 Results Found

Nurse self-care key priority for leader in 2019

Also in this weekly roundup of nurse-related news: nursing students revive a heart attack victim at the gym, and a nurse saves the life of a state trooper who was gunned down on a North Carolina highway.

Kalispell Regional Healthcare names president and CEO

Also in this roundup of hospital and health system leadership changes: The Hospitals of Providence in Texas names Sierra Campus CEO; Antelope Valley Hospital in California selects CEO; and Central Maine Healthcare names new president.

CMS webinar Jan. 29 on eCQM reporting for calendar year 2018

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services will host a Jan. 29 webinar on electronic clinical quality measure reporting for the Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting and Promoting Interoperability Programs.

GAO: Larger providers more likely to participate in episode-based payment models

Hospitals and clinician practices participating in Medicare’s episode-based payment models are larger and more urban on average than other Medicare providers.

Gallup: Adult uninsured rate climbs to 13.7 percent

The share of U.S. adults without health insurance rose 1.5 percentage point between fourth-quarter 2017 and fourth-quarter 2018 to 13.7 percent.

AHA infographic highlights hospital-affiliated Medicare ACO savings

Hospital-affiliated accountable care organizations participating in the Medicare Shared Savings Program achieved $174 million in net savings to Medicare in 2017.

Guide highlights Quality Payment Program status of MSSP tracks

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has released a guide showing which Medicare Shared Savings Program tracks for 2019 qualify as an alternative payment model or advanced APM under the Quality Payment Program.

The myriad ways hospitals are furthering maternal health

Fort Wayne, Ind.-based Parkview Health works to reduce infant mortality; Yale New Haven Hospital in Connecticut cares for the vulnerable and uninsured; and Greenville Health System in South Carolina makes great strides in preventing low birthweight and premature births.

Nonprofit group seeks to create affordable generic drugs amid medicine shortage

Also in this weekly roundup of health care related news: Cleveland Clinic leader discusses health care trends, and how one health system uses real-time data to make clinical decisions.

FDA issues guidance for assessing programs to mitigate drug risks

The Food and Drug Administration today released draft guidance for assessing risk evaluation and mitigation strategies.