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CSRxP launches new website to help lawmakers address drug pricing crisis

As Congress prioritizes action to lower drug prices, the Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing yesterday announced a website to help lawmakers and their staff better understand the crisis and bipartisan, market-based solutions.

House passes legislation to reauthorize preparedness programs

The House of Representatives last night passed legislation (H.R. 269) that includes the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness and Advancing Innovation Act.

As part of Human Trafficking Awareness Month, AHA shares resources to assist hospitals and health systems

Hospitals and health systems have a crucial role to play in identifying and assisting victims of human trafficking, and we urge you to join many of your colleagues in developing a plan to tackle this pervasive issue and deliver compassionate care to victims of human trafficking. 

AHA Chairman Brian Gragnolati discusses his priorities in interview with Modern Healthcare

Also in this weekly roundup of health news: AHA president and CEO Rick Pollack speaks to HealthLeaders about the association’s year ahead; digital health startups growing presence at this year’s Consumer Electronics Show; how consumers are and aren’t using popular health apps; and some Medicaid health plans now paying for GEDs.

How a hospital collaborative is increasing life expectancy on Chicago’s West Side

The secret to healthy, long lives lies in their social determinants. Six hospitals in a vulnerable area of Chicago pooled resources and ideas to address those determinants holistically, creating vibrant neighborhoods and boosting economic vitality along the way.

Penn Medicine addresses pregnancy-related hypertension with home monitoring digital technology

Penn Medicine uses digital technology to help postpartum women take control of their blood pressure.

AHA Section for Small or Rural Hospitals names 2019 leaders

Dave Schreiner, president and CEO of Katherine Shaw Bethea Hospital in Dixon, Ill., will serve as 2019 chair of the AHA's Section for Small or Rural Hospitals.

ONC reports on health information exchange progress, priorities

The Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology this week released its annual report to Congress on health information exchange adoption, as required by the HITECH Act of 2009.

Letters of intent to apply for new Medicare ACO program due Jan. 18

Accountable care organizations interested in participating in the redesigned Medicare Shared Savings Program beginning July 1 must submit their notices of intent to apply by 12 p.m. ET on Jan. 18.

House votes to intervene in ACA lawsuit in Texas

The House of Representatives last night authorized its general counsel to intervene to defend the Affordable Care Act in a federal court case in Texas, and in any other cases involving the ACA.