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57890 Results Found

HRSA issues updated behavioral health workforce projections

The Health Resources and Services Administration has released updated national and state-level projections for the behavioral health workforce through 2030, as required by the 21st Century Cures Act.

Senate sends AHA-supported maternal health bill to president

The Senate yesterday passed and sent to the president for his signature AHA-supported legislation that would provide funding for states to develop maternal mortality review committees to better understand maternal complications and identify solutions.

Study: Rural residents travel about twice as far to hospital on average

Rural Americans live an average 10.5 miles or 17 minutes from the nearest hospital, according to a new analysis by the Pew Research Center.

Study extends benefits of hospital mergers to hospitals in close proximity

Hospital mergers result in even greater efficiencies and savings when the acquired hospitals are in close proximity.

Federal judge in Texas rules ACA is unconstitutional; case will be appealed

A federal judge in Texas last night ruled that the entire Affordable Care is unconstitutional because Congress repealed the tax penalty enforcing the law's individual mandate.  

Institute for Diversity and Health Equity names new president and CEO

The AHA’s Institute for Diversity and Health Equity today named Duane Elliott Reynolds as its new president and CEO.

CMS issues FAQs on 2019 physician fee schedule rule

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has released additional guidance on the physician fee schedule final rule for calendar year 2019.

AHA: CMS proposal for drug ad transparency ‘important first step’

The AHA today voiced support for a Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ proposal to require drug pricing transparency in direct-to-consumer television advertisements and encouraged the agency to “rein in skyrocketing drug prices” for patients and the providers who serve them.

AHA: FTC approach to reviewing hospital transactions seriously flawed

The Federal Trade Commission’s approach to reviewing hospital mergers “is overbroad, does not properly credit the many pro-consumer benefits of hospital transactions, and ignores key realities of the marketplace,” according to an analysis submitted to the agency Friday for a series of FTC hearings on Competition and Consumer Protection in the 21st Century.

Chair File: Delivering Health Care and Hope, No Matter What the Challenge

We look ahead with optimism as we advance the goals of improving health care quality, equity, access and affordability for all Americans.