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57887 Results Found

Senate passes Defense-Labor-HHS funding package

The Senate today voted 93-7 to pass legislation that would provide $178.1 billion in discretionary funding for the departments of Defense, Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education in fiscal year 2019 and extend current funding levels for other federal programs until Dec. 7.

Op-ed Wrongly Lays the Blame for High Costs on EDs

In times of distress, Americans turn to hospital emergency departments. They do so because they know that there they will find care – from simple stitches to sophisticated diagnostics to emergency surgery. And they know that, no matter what, they will not be turned away.

Getting to know John Riggi – AHA’s senior adviser for cybersecurity and risk

In a recent conversation with AHA News, Riggi talked about his background, including his nearly three decades with the FBI; what the changing landscape of cyber threats mean for patients and health care CEOs; and how through the recently-launched AHA Center for Health Innovation he’ll be focusing on new educational tools, resources and services designed to help member hospitals and health systems defend against this significant challenge.

Nurse meets patient who saved her 50 years ago

Also in this weekly roundup of nursing news: the difference that a post-discharge phone call makes, and executive moves in the field.

Fund established to assist NC health care workers affected by Florence

The North Carolina Hospital Foundation, a 501(c)(3) affiliate of the NC Healthcare Association, has established a disaster relief fund to support North Carolina health care workers who suffered significant property loss to their homes during Hurricane Florence and the subsequent flooding.

Agencies issue new opioid risk mitigation strategy, resource

The Food and Drug Administration yesterday updated its Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy for extended-release and long-acting opioid analgesics, and extended the same requirements to immediate-release opioid analgesic products.

Seniors’ opioid-related hospital stays, ED visits surge over five years

Opioid-related hospital stays and emergency department visits for patients 65 and older increased 54 percent and 100 percent, respectively, between 2010 and 2015.

HHS announces state opioid grants, MAT telemedicine guidance

The Department of Health and Human Services this week awarded more than $1 billion in grants to help combat the opioid crisis.

AHA’s Society for Health Care Strategy and Market Development hosts annual conference Oct. 7-10 in Seattle

SHSMD’s annual conference will help those in the strategy professions – such as strategic planners, marketers, business developers and communicators – sharpen their skills in creating new experiences, forging innovative partnerships and driving organizational change and success.

Faith-Hope-Science – Mayo Clinic

On Sept. 25, PBS will air "Faith – Hope – Science," a documentary on the Mayo Clinic by Ken Burns and long-time collaborators Erik and Christopher Ewers. Dan Beckham previews the film and takes a look at Mayo’s 150-year journey.