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58140 Results Found


Presentation: Glendive Medical Center Community Benefits Reporting

AHA teleconference for Small or Rural Hospitals

Speaker Biography: Scott A. Duke

IRS Form 990 and Schedule H: Case Example Review and Preparation

Speaker Biography for Doug Lyon

IRS Form 990 and Schedule H: Case Example Review and Preparation

Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center: Medical Clearance Checklist

Medical Clearance Checklist - Psychiatric UnitProvided by Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center

Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company Information

Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company - Contractor Information

Red Flags Rule Member Conference Call Presentation Slides

The FACT Act: An Overview of the Final Rulemaking on Identity Theft Red Flags and Address Discrepancies, Naomi Lefkovitz, Attorney, Division of Privacy and Identity Protection, Federal Trade Commissio

Federal Register: Identity Theft Red Flags and Address Discrepancies Under the Fair and Accurate...

Identity Theft Red Flags and Address Discrepancies Under the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003; Final Rule

Health Provider Recruitment and Retention: Best Practices in Small or Rural Hospitals

Best Practices in Small or Rural Hospitals - Case Examples from

Sample Compensation Committee Charter

A sample charter your Board can use to establish a committee to discharge the Board's responsibilities relating to compensation of the executive officers.

The Road to Economic Recovery: A Proposal to Support Health Care in America

AHA White papter, The Road to Economic Recovery: A Proposal to Support Health Care in America