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58154 Results Found


Behavioral Health Case Example: Addressing a Crowded Emergency Department While Containing Costs

Performance Improvement Case Example: Riverside Health System, Newport News, VA

Health Care Labor Report: Labor activity, trends & events (December 2011 Issue)

OSHA Identifies Health Care Susceptible to Workplace Violence

2011 Fall RPB Materials

Discussion papers for the fall of 2011 regional policy boards

Making Care More Affordable

Just as there are challenges to making health care more affordable, there are many opportunities to reduce costs without compromising care.

RAC Call - Presentation Slides

A discussion with CMS and your Medicare Recovery Audit Contractor

Fact Sheet: AHA Briefing on Deficit Reduction Strategy for Inpatient Rehab

AHA Briefing on Deficit Reduction Strategy for Inpatient Rehab

RPB Discussion Papers for June 2011

Summer RPB Materials - June 2011

Spring 2011 RPB Discussion Papers

RPB Discussion Papers

Guide: Contracting for Electronic Health Records: Guidelines for Hospitals

To assist hospitals in working with health information technology \(IT\) vendors to achieve meaningful use, the AHA has developed the following guidelines for EHR contracting.

Health Care Labor Report: Labor activity, trends & events \(January/February Edition\)

Health Care Human Resource Checklist for 2011 and other articles