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57815 Results Found

12 Recommendations from Studying Burnout, Violence, and Turnover in Nurses

Understanding where to start to address burnout, turnover, and violence in our nurses is often overwhelming for nurse leaders.

Talent Attraction and Acquisition

A discussion of the process to find the right nurse applicants and how to expedite. This conversation looks at the issue from three phases: how to attract and identify the appropriate candidates; submission of applicants, conducting interviews, offering the positions and getting acceptance; and the pre-board and onboarding processes.

Virtual Panel: Q&A With AHA Subject-Matter Experts

After the 2023 AHA Rural Health Care Leadership Conference, the AHA hosted a virtual panel with AHA subject-matter experts for AHA Associates. Developed specially for Associates, the panel drew on takeaways from the Rural Conference to discuss topics top-of-mind for AHA Member hospitals and health systems.

AHA Associate Podcast Series | AMN Healthcare

In this episode, Kathleen Wessel welcomes Mark Knudsen, Head of Telehealth Technology Solutions, and Kurt Mosley, Vice President of Strategic Alliances, for AMN Healthcare. Their discussion focuses on a challenge facing many healthcare organizations: How to combine the most advantageous aspects of remote care with the best aspects of on-site care. The goal, ultimately, is to create a hybrid model that promotes quality, reduces costs and provides patients with the convenience and access they increasingly seek.

Advocate Condell Hospital: Improving Process to Improve Infection Prevention and Control

To reduce infection rates more effectively, successful hospitals and health systems are focusing on the fundamentals. For Advocate Condell Hospital, the focus is on process improvements.

Grow Up! How to Increase the Maturity of Your Content Strategy and Prove ROI

Grow Up! How to Increase the Maturity of Your Content Strategy and Prove ROI. Webinar hosted by GLC with SHSMD teaching content strategy.

ASHRM Micro e-Learning: When a Fall Occurs on Your Premise

Learn effective risk and claims management approaches to addressing a patient fall in a facility.

MUSC Health: Standardizing Processes —Small Steps Are Key to Preventing SSIs

One Surgical Site Infection (SSI) is one too many for the team at MUSC Health in Charleston, South Carolina. MUSC’s mission is “Do no harm and change what’s possible”; MUSC knows that decreasing SSIs is “an absolute change that IS possible.”