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57815 Results Found

Health system efficiently uses staffing resources during pandemic

Providing adequate staff during a pandemic requires the creative use of human resources from within and outside an organization, write leaders at Northeast Georgia Health System, based in Gainesville.

Study outlines management practices for HAI prevention

Interviews with 420 managers and front-line staff in 18 U.S. hospitals revealed three management practices that appear to support successful prevention of health care-associated infections

Suboptimal EHRs linked to adverse nurse, patient outcomes

Employing electronic health records (EHRs) with suboptimal usability was associated with higher odds of adverse nurse job outcomes and poorer surgical patient outcomes and readmission

CDC updates infection control guidance for health care settings

In an update titled Infection Control after Vaccination, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provided guidance on SARS-CoV-2 testing, visitation in acute care

HRSA releases fact sheets on uninsured access to COVID-19 vaccines

Fact sheets on patient rights and provider responsibilities regarding access to COVID-19 vaccines are now available in English and Spanish through the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA).

NIH tests treatment for ARDS in COVID-19 patients

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) will test whether remdesivir and aviptadil acetate are safe and effective when used together or alone to treat hospitalized COVID-19 patients with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS).

The New World of Work in Health Care: A Call to Rethink U.S. Workplace Priorities

[ON-DEMAND WEBINAR] As we work to return back to our new normal, what are some of the short and long-term considerations that health care organizations need to evaluate in order to ensure success moving forward? Join Prudential Retirement’s Marc Howell and Robert Luciani for an interactive discussion as they debut new research conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit. This research, which surveyed both health care executives and workers, serves up some new insights relating to the worker/organization relationship, emerging talent needs, and accelerated digital transformation. 

How to Increase Employee Engagement and Wellbeing by Improving Connection and Recognition

[ON-DEMAND WEBINAR] Join renowned health care speaker Vicki Hess and culture expert Alex Powell for an insightful discussion on how improving connection and recognition in health care organizations increases employee engagement, wellbeing and, ultimately, patient care. You’ll walk away with practical, tactical ideas for how to positively impact the teams you support.

AHA celebrates Community Health Improvement Week

This week, the American Hospital Association (AHA) and its Community Health Improvement network honored and celebrated those working to improve the health and well-being