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57816 Results Found

DAISY policy award applications now open

Applications to nominate 2021 recipients for HealthImpact’s DAISY Nurse Leader Award for Policy are open.

Ordinary viruses make a comeback

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, pediatricians, infectious-disease specialists and epidemiologists have noticed an uptick in viral infections, especially in the

Sample Board Demographic/Attribute Profile Matrix

Adapted from “Recruiting for a Diverse Health Care Board,” by Karma H. Bass (Trustee Insights, Dec. 2020).

AJN editor shares her take on the past year’s nursing reports

The extended Year of the Nurse and the Midwife has yielded numerous reports on the nursing profession, wrote the editor of the

NCC submits testimony supporting Title VIII, NINR funding

Sixty members of the Nursing Community Coalition (NCC), including AONL, signed onto written testimony submitted to the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor

APIC supports COVID-19 vaccination mandates in health care facilities

The Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) announced its support this week for hospitals and health systems requiring

AHA releases tool for navigating blood shortage

In response to national blood supply shortages, this week the American Hospital Association (AHA) provided members with tools and resources to help them

One-on-one meetings reduce new nurse turnover

To decrease nurse turnover at Indiana University Health in Indianapolis, AONL member Brigitte Nastally, MSN, RN, schedules regular and frequent one-on-one

Racism-related stress affects resilience among nurses

Racism-related stress can affect nurses’ engagement, performance and practice, according to a recent study by researchers at the Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing

Joint Commission releases 2022 violence prevention standards

Joint Commission-accredited hospitals and critical access hospitals will need to meet new and revised workplace violence prevention requirements starting in 2022