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57811 Results Found

Survey: 90% of Nurses Are Vaccinated Against COVID-19, 58% Support Mandates

Data from a nationwide survey of more than 4,500 nurses indicated a majority of nurses stand behind the science of the COVID-19 vaccines and support mandatory vaccinations for all employees.

Project Firstline seeks focus group participants

Project Firstline is seeking U.S. health care personnel involved in overseeing students and/or teaching infection control to participate in a focus group and share their

American Nurses Foundation launches Reimagining Nursing Initiative

This week, the American Nurses Foundation launched the Reimagining Nursing Initiative to catalyze transformative change in the nursing field in three priority areas

Researchers track pandemic’s effects on nurse sensitive indicators

An analysis in the August issue of Nurse Leader outlines the effects of the pandemic on nurse sensitive indicators (NSIs) as described by chief nursing officers from across

‘Touchpoints' strategy proves effective in retaining new RNs

To reduce the turnover of new RNs, nurse leaders at a Texas health system modified and implemented a business strategy that uses touchpoints as an employee retention strategy

Study: Racial disparities in maternal mortality may exceed estimates

Racial and ethnic disparities in U.S. maternal mortality may be larger than previously reported, according to a study published last week in the American Journal of Public Health

Nurses need to be at the table to innovate

Nurses speaking at a Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) virtual gathering last week made the case that nurses—the people closest to the problem

HHS issues joint statement on COVID-19 booster shots

On Wednesday, public health and medical experts from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced the administration had created a plan to begin offering

White House will spend $9 billion to fight COVID-19 in rural areas

Last Friday, the White House announced it will spend $8.5 billion from the American Rescue Plan to help rural health care providers in the fight against COVID-19.

CMS flexibilities available for hospitals that see COVID-19 surges

The American Hospital Association (AHA) is reminding members they may request a delay of their next survey by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services