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ASHHRA Job Description Toolkit

Position Descriptions
Browse sample job descriptions for positions in health care settings.

Decision-making Processes and Tools for Boards

As this grid suggests, good governance decision-making, when supported by a variety of board practices and tools, strengthens the board as a whole and its capacity to govern well.

2023 Leadership Council

2020 Board of Directors

Summer Enrichment Program

The Institute's Summer Enrichment Program (SEP) places diverse, graduate students pursuing advanced degrees in health care administration or a related field in 10-week, paid internships within health care organizations.

Fall Enrichment Program (FEP)

Each fall, the Institute for Diversity and Health Equity partners with various hospital and health systems across the country to provide an 18-20 week paid internship opportunity for academically strong, diverse individuals. This opportunity is aimed at students who have completed their health care oriented graduate degree within the last two years. The Fall Enrichment Program (FEP) offers an immersive on-site experience for those who want to become exceptional hospital administrators and health care leaders.

Contribute to HR Pulse Magazine

Magazine & Journal Articles
ASHHRA is looking for your stories! Your health care HR colleagues want to read about your best practices and case examples. With your permission, your article could be published in any ASHHRA publication.

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Inclusive, Local Hiring: Building the Pipeline to a Healthy Community

Webinar Recordings
ACHI and the AHA Workforce Center hosted a webinar on how health systems can develop an inclusive, local hiring pipeline through creating more external community connections and internal career paths.


SHSMD ADVANCETM for Teams is a professional development platform offering a series of skill building tools designed to help your team face the rigorous demands of health care strategy.

UDI: A How-To Guide for Implementation with Your Organization

On-Demand Educational Webinars
This session explains the benefits of implementing the UDI such as immediate device status updates through collaboration with manufacturers and suppliers, increased patient care satisfaction, and how the data you collect can turn your analytics into strategic and critical business decisions. Learn the step by step process that FMOLHS used to implement UDI.