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58234 Results Found

Urging health insurance enrollment saves lives

As open enrollment closes Dec. 15, a unique Treasury Department experiment found that sending letters to the uninsured resulted in increased health insurance enrollment, leading to reduced mortality, writes Ariel Levin, AHA senior associate director for state issues.

CMS will repay 2019 outpatient payment cut as a result of AHA lawsuit

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services will automatically reprocess calendar year 2019 claims for hospital outpatient services provided in off-campus provider-based departments grandfathered under the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015.

A Guide to Achieving High Performance in Multi-Hospital Health Systems

Through support from The Commonwealth Fund, HRET studied best practices in QI strategies among multi-hospital health systems. The project collected data from a variety of sources--including public databases about system quality (Hospital Compare), claims data, and surveys of system leaders (AHA Annual Survey)--and compiled characteristics of systems that are associated with high measures of quality.

Ways and Means leaders announce plan to address surprise medical bills

House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal, D-Mass., and Ranking Member Kevin Brady, R-Texas, yesterday announced a bipartisan agreement on legislation to protect patients from surprise medical bills.

House passes Medicare drug pricing bill

The House of Representatives today voted 230-192 to approve the Lower Prescription Drug Costs Now Act.

The Building Blocks of Transformation: An Inside Look at the Future of Health Care

Webinar Recordings
Join renowned futurist and author Dr. Ian Morrison as he presents highlights from SHSMD's all-new guide to health care trends and innovations, Futurescan 2017-2022, and discusses strategies to position your organizations for success in the new environment. This webinar will feature predictions and insights on topics such as: Hospital and health system integration; Next generation payment reform; Advances in virtual care; Physician leadership and engagement strategies; And more!

Senate confirms Hahn as FDA commissioner

The Senate today voted 72-18 to confirm Stephen Hahn, M.D., as Food and Drug Administration commissioner.

Positioning Your Hospital for Success in a Bundled Payment Environment

Webinar Recordings
This webcast will share what business development professionals need to understand about the bundled payment environment, five dynamic forces that contribute to successful implementation. key questions for consideration before moving forward including how to use a data-drive approach to forecast implementation impact, and tips for identifying and engaging qualified physicians and post-acute partners in redesigning processes and protocols that will improve quality and reduce cost of care.