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58137 Results Found

Action Alert: Model Comment Letter on Proposed Rule Requiring Health Plans to Disclose Negotiated Rates and Personalized Cost-sharing Information

The AHA has developed a model comment letter for hospitals and health systems to use to submit comments to the Departments of the Treasury, Labor, and Health and Human Services (the departments) on their proposal to require health plans to disclose all of their negotiated rates, as well as personalized cost-sharing information.
Member Non-Fed

House and Senate Leaders Announce Compromise ‘Surprise Billing’ Legislation

Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee Chairman Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) and House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Frank Pallone Jr.

CMS seeks info on Medicaid care coordination effort

CMS published a request in the Federal Register for information on the coordination of care from out-of-state providers for Medicaid-eligible children.

Report: ACA narrowed racial/ethnic coverage gaps, but progress stalled

The Affordable Care Act’s coverage expansions have led to historic reductions in racial disparities in access to health care since 2013, but progress has stalled since 2016, according to a study released by the Commonwealth Fund.

CMS denies Wyoming Medicaid waiver to cover air ambulance costs

CMS rejected a request for a Section 1115 waiver to expand Medicaid coverage for air ambulance transportation to all Wyoming residents.

HHS Cybersecurity Program: HC3 Intelligence Briefing: Botnet Threat to the Healthcare Industry TLP White

Hackers are launching cyberattacks against SMB ports and IoT devices at a record pace.

Benjamin Ukert

Daniela Zapata

Ishtiaque Fazlul

Anny T. Fenton