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58137 Results Found


Regulatory Advisory: Medicare Conditions of Participation Final Rule

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ final rule on the Medicare Conditions of Participation changes requirements that the agency identified as unnecessary, obsolete or excessively burdensome on health care providers and suppliers. The provisions take effect Nov. 29.

AHA Comments on Recent MedPAC Discussions on Consolidation, IME

The American Hospital Association's comments on the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission’s (MedPAC) discussions on consolidation within the health care field as well as graduate medical educat

Members In Action Case Study: A Best Practices Approach to Treating Maternal Hemorrhage

Since implementing best practices related to maternal hemorrhaging, Titus Regional Medical Center’s maternal morbidity rate related to blood loss has been reduced significantly.

AHA Comment Letter to OIG Extending the Antikickback Protections for Health IT Donations

AHA's comments on the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General’s (OIG) proposed rule that would extend the regulatory protections under the federal antikickback law for hospitals that want to provide assistance to physicians in adopting certain health information technology (IT).

AHA Comments on Proposed Changes to Anti-kickback, CMP Safe Harbors

By proposing a new safe harbor for patient engagement tools and creating three new safe harbors for value-based arrangements, the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General has taken “the first steps toward much needed reform” of the federal anti-kickback statute and civil monetary penalty rules regarding beneficiary inducements,

Regulatory Advisory: CY 2020 Home Health PPS Final Rule with Comment Period

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ home health prospective payment system CY 2020 final rule with comment period is effective Jan. 1, 2020; however, through Dec. 30, the agency will take comments related to drug coverage under the Medicare durable medical equipment benefit.

AHA Urges MedPAC to Release Hospital-level Impact of Potential IME Changes

AHA urges the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission to release a “more granular assessment of the hospital-level impacts” of its potential changes to the Indirect Medical Education program.

AHA Expresses Support for H.R. 4538, the Closing Loopholes for Orphan Drugs Act

In a letter to Representatives Peter Welch and David B. McKinley:The AHA expresses support for H.R. 4538, the Closing Loopholes for Orphan Drugs Act.