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58056 Results Found

Webinar: Using telehealth to drive better outcomes

The American Hospital Association will

Free course helps nurses become design thinkers

Design Thinking for Health, a free, online course, offers nurses a framework and tools they can use when tackling complex challenges in

Alums reflect on value of AONL Nurse Executive Fellowship

Alumni from the inaugural class of AONL Nurse Executive Fellows report

Report suggests actions to prevent older adult isolation, loneliness

Health care providers should periodically assess older adults for social isolation and loneliness, and initiate potential preventive interventions for individuals at elevated risk due to life events, such as loss of a significant relationship or geographic move, according to a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.

Encouraging Healthy Behavior Change: New Strategies and Partnerships

Case Studies
Hospitals and health systems are leading exciting initiatives to encourage healthy behaviors and improve the health of individuals and communities.
State Association

State, Regional and Metropolitan Hospital Association Responsibility Codes

Specific responsibilities for staff listings are coded as follows:  

AHA Members Only Coronavirus Webinar Replay - February 21, 2020

AHA webinar on conronavirus featuring Rebecca Bartles, executive director of system infection prevention at Providence St. Joseph Health in Washington state, which was the first health care organization to care for a patient in the U.S. with COVID-19.

HRSA awards grants to expand HIV prevention, treatment

The Health Resources and Services Administration awarded $117 million in grants to expand HIV prevention and treatment services in high-risk areas as part of the administration’s plan to end the HIV epidemic.

CDC issues guidance for U.S. providers on pneumonia outbreak in China

Health care providers should notify their state and local health departments and infection control personnel immediately if patients with unexplained severe respiratory illness developed symptoms within two weeks of returning from Wuhan City, China, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advised yesterday.