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Elevated design, locally rooted

Minnesota hospital takes design cues from the region’s landscape, people and culture

Hospital Trendwatch

Explore some of the samples from our latest version of Trendwatch Chartbook below to uncover insights and gain an understanding of how you can leverage and combine AHA Data to extract your own valuable findings.

Hospital Trendwatch: National Health Expenditures

View U.S. hospital data and selected charts highlighting national health expenditures from AHA's Trendwatch Chartbook, including annual percentage change in total national health expenditures, annual percent change in NHE for select services and supplies, total prescription drug spending, and total uninsured patients

Hospital Trendwatch: Organizational Trends

View selected AHA Trendwatch Chartbook charts highlighting organizational trends in U.S. hospitals including number of community hospitals, number of community hospital beds and beds per 1,000 persons, and breakdowns by state.

Hospital Trendwatch: Economic Contributions of Hospitals

View hospital data on the economic contribution of hospitals from AHA's Trendwatch Chartbook charts, including national health expenditures as a percentage of gross domestic product, seasonally adjusted percent change in employment in hospitals vs, all industries, and impact of community hospitals on U.S. jobs.

Hospital Trendwatch Chart 5.5: Percent Change in Employment, Seasonally Adjusted: Hospital vs. All Industries (Total Non-Farm), 2017-2022

See hospital trends in AHA Trendwatch Chartbook 5.5: Percent Change in Employment, Seasonally Adjusted: Hospital vs. All Industries (Total Non-Farm), 2017-2022

Hospital Trendwatch Chart 5.1: National Health Expenditures as a Percentage of Gross Domestic Product and Breakdown by Category, 2021

See hospital trends in AHA Trendwatch Chartbook Chart 5.1: National Health Expenditures as a Percentage of Gross Domestic Product and Breakdown by Category, 2021

Hospital Trendwatch Chart 2.3: Beds in Community Hospitals per 1,000 Persons by State, 2021

See hospital trends in AHA Trendwatch Chartbook Chart 2.3: Beds in Community Hospitals per 1,000 Persons by State, 2021

Hospital Trendwatch Chart 2.2: Number of Beds and Number of Beds per 1,000 Persons in Community Hospitals, 1995-2021

See AHA's Hospital Trendwatch Chartbook Chart 2.2: Number of Beds and Number of Beds per 1,000 Persons in Community Hospitals, 1995-2021

Hospital Trendwatch Chart 2.1: Number of Community Hospitals, 2005-2021

See hospital trends in AHA Trendwatch Chartbook Chart 2.1: Number of Community Hospitals, 2005-2021