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52256 Results Found

Voice of the President | July 2024

The COVID-19 pandemic shed light on the strategic value of the supply chain within health care organizations.

VOICE | July 2024

The July issue of Voice of Nursing Leadership has a focus of supply chain issues. Read about the best practices for purchasing committees from two nurse stakeholders and get a primer on labeling practices for medication safety.

Unifying Hospital Boards on Quality and Safety

In this new “Safety Speaks” conversation, Harry S. Smith, board chair of Valley Health System and member of the AHA Committee on Governance, discusses how their organization rearranged its governance system to ensure that quality and patient safety standards were being met across the board.

Member Report: Quality Trends and the AHA Patient Safety Initiative

Explore transformative health care quality insights and the AHA Patient Safety Initiative, addressing challenges, trends and future priorities

Advocacy Issue: Site-Neutral Payment Proposals

Hospitals and their associated facilities provide access to critical services that are not otherwise always available in the community and they treat patients with very severe conditions. Payment proposals that attempt to treat hospital outpatient departments the same as independent physician offices and other ambulatory sites of care ignore the very different level of care provided by hospitals and the needs of the patients and communities cared for in that setting.

AHA Senate Statement on What Can Congress Do to End the Medical Debt Crisis in America

Statementof theAmerican Hospital Associationfor the

Call for Abstracts: The Role of Health Services Research in Advances in Cancer Prevention and Control

Health Services Research (HSR) and the Department of Public Health Sciences, University of Virginia School of Medicine are partnering to publish a Special Issue on The Role of Health Services Research in Cancer Prevention and Control.

AHA et al Amicus Brief Re: 340B in Novartis v. Morrissey Litigation

AHA et al Amicus Brief to Prevent Injunction Against 340B Pricing for Contract Pharmacy Arrangements in Novartis v. Morrissey Litigation

Visual Cues: Preventing Medication Errors When Packaging Plays a Role

Current literature links medication selection errors and recognizable visual cues.

Purchasing Committee Creates Value, Fosters Satisfaction

Identifying and addressing materials management needs in an organization can be overwhelming.