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57789 Results Found

Governance Policy Statement on Distinguishing Policy from Operations

Board Policies
To clarify the difference between the board’s policy making responsibilities and management’s operational responsibilities.

Study explores best ways to reduce falls

Exercise interventions were the most effective way to reduce the risk of falls in older adults, according to a systematic review highlighted in the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s Journal of Patient Safety.

Supreme Court dismisses EMTALA case

The Supreme Court June 27 dismissed a case about whether an Idaho law can coexist with the federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA), which requires hospitals to provide stabilizing care for those in an emergency medical condition

Getting the Most Out of Philanthropy: How to Reinvent the Foundation Board On-Demand Webinar

On-Demand Educational Webinars
WebinarGetting the Most Out of Philanthropy: How to Reinvent the Foundation BoardHealth care organizations have a strategic opportunity to reposition philanth

Webinar explains how to build cost-effective workforce using APRNs

An American Hospital Association webinar explores how hospitals can develop and grow their use of advanced practice providers, including APRNs and physicians.

Get Involved with an Advocacy Campaign

AHA advocacy campaigns currently running.

Study shows teaching gratitude can reduce burnout

Health care workers who learned and practiced skills to increase positive emotions like gratitude, mindful awareness and self-compassion improved their well-being and reduced stress and anxiety, a study found.

Get Involved in Community Health and Share Your Story

Whether you are a patient or family member who has experienced care, a volunteer, a dedicated staff member or a community member – we want to hear from you.

Four-day workweek reduces nurse manager burnout

Offering a four-day workweek for nurse managers at AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center based in Atlantic City, N.J. reduced burnout, according to CNO Barbara Cottrell, DNP, RN, an AONL member.

Kingston discusses how to reduce workplace violence

Hospitals can take a multifaceted approach to reducing workplace violence, according to Mary Beth Kingston, PhD, RN.