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52254 Results Found

Hospital Outpatient Department (HOPD) Costs Higher than Physician Offices Due to Additional Capabilities, Regulations

Find the best hopd healthcare services near you with our comprehensive directory of top-rated hospitals and physician offices.

UnitedHealthcare clarifies new hospital services review process for Medicare Advantage plans

Learn about UnitedHealthcare's clarification on the hospital services review process for Medicare Advantage plans. Stay up-to-date.

Howard University Hospital | Washington, D.C.

Howard University Hospital | Advancing Health Equity and Promoting Patient-Centered Care | Mission and Vision for High-Quality Healthcare

How Hospitals Can Make the Best Use of Social Media

Discover how hospitals can effectively utilize social media to engage with patients and communities. Learn more about the benefits and strategies in this comprehensive guide.

10 Red Flags That Your Patient Could Be A Victim of Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is a heinous crime that affects people of all ages and backgrounds. Our infographic on 10 red flags can help you spot potential victims.

"Code Grey" Crisis Prevention Team Calms Agitated Patients in Psychiatric Units

Experience the calming influence of Coney Island Hospital's "Code Grey" crisis prevention team in psychiatric units.

Medicare Advantage (MA) and the overlap with Aetna/Humana transactions

Stay informed about the latest developments in Medicare Advantage with AHA.

Fact Sheet: Medicare Sequester Relief Extension Needed for Health Providers

AHA highlights the need to suspend Medicare sequester cuts for healthcare providers in this fact sheet on Medicare sequestration relief extension.

Why the Biden-Harris Administration’s New National Cybersecurity Strategy Is an Important Step Forward for Health Care

Understand the impact of the Biden-Harris Administration's National Cybersecurity Strategy on health care and its relevance for hospitals and health systems. #BidenCybersecurity

We must do more to end physician suicides, says Dr. Lorna Breen’s family

Learn about the alarming rates of physician suicide and what we can do to end it. Read the story of Dr. Lorna Breen's family and their mission to support healthcare workers.