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52316 Results Found


Community Violence

Discover how the AHA's Hospitals Against Violence initiative is taking action to address community violence and protect hospital employees from its effects.

How Implementing Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Cycles Improves Suicide Care

Discover how PDSA cycles drive rapid experimentation and iterative improvements, enabling health care systems to deliver more effective interventions and support.

A Simple Model for Kindness that Makes a Huge Difference

A Starbucks Caramel Ribbon Crunch Frappuccino. Games, puzzles, arts and crafts. The blessed relief of a backscratcher. These are among the small things that Penn Medicine patients say makes their long-term inpatient stays more pleasant and endurable.

AHA Knowledge Exchange

Leaders express their views, strategies & priorities in AHA’s Knowledge Exchange Series on care transformation, innovation & new operating models.

New labor and delivery rooms give new parents more options

When parents-to-be opt to deliver their baby at a birthing center, it’s often because they want more freedom to choose their birth experience — such as pain management options, comfort techniques, assisted deliveries or just a more homelike setting.

H-ISAC TLP Green Ransomware Data Leak Sites Report - June 5, 2024

A daily ransomware tracker at TLP:GREEN for the purpose of increasing ransomware threat awareness.

Children's National Medical Center - IMPACT DC (Improving Pediatric Asthma Care in the District of Columbia) Asthma Clinic

Children's National Medical Center - IMPACT DC (Improving Pediatric Asthma Care in the District of Columbia) Asthma Clinic aims to reduce ED visits and hospitalizations for asthma through tailored education and care plans for children. Contact us for comprehensive asthma care.

Carolinas HealthCare System: 2017 Mission & Vision Statements

Trustee Articles
Elevate your healthcare experience with Carolinas Healthcare System. Learn about their mission to provide healthcare and related services. Find out more.

Agencies release update on Royal ransomware threat

Find out how the Royal ransomware gang is targeting healthcare and other sectors. Learn how to defend your organization's network and prevent data breaches.

AHA Associate Podcast Series | Inovalon

AHA Associate Podcast Series | Inovalon: Discover how Inovalon is leveraging the AHA Associate Program to support members and achieve their goals.