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Hospital Trendwatch: Economic Contributions of Hospitals

View hospital data on the economic contribution of hospitals from AHA's Trendwatch Chartbook charts, including national health expenditures as a percentage of gross domestic product, seasonally adjusted percent change in employment in hospitals vs, all industries, and impact of community hospitals on U.S. jobs.

Hospital Trendwatch Chart 5.5: Percent Change in Employment, Seasonally Adjusted: Hospital vs. All Industries (Total Non-Farm), 2017-2022

See hospital trends in AHA Trendwatch Chartbook 5.5: Percent Change in Employment, Seasonally Adjusted: Hospital vs. All Industries (Total Non-Farm), 2017-2022

Hospital Trendwatch Chart 5.1: National Health Expenditures as a Percentage of Gross Domestic Product and Breakdown by Category, 2021

See hospital trends in AHA Trendwatch Chartbook Chart 5.1: National Health Expenditures as a Percentage of Gross Domestic Product and Breakdown by Category, 2021

Hospital Trendwatch Chart 2.3: Beds in Community Hospitals per 1,000 Persons by State, 2021

See hospital trends in AHA Trendwatch Chartbook Chart 2.3: Beds in Community Hospitals per 1,000 Persons by State, 2021

Hospital Trendwatch Chart 2.2: Number of Beds and Number of Beds per 1,000 Persons in Community Hospitals, 1995-2021

See AHA's Hospital Trendwatch Chartbook Chart 2.2: Number of Beds and Number of Beds per 1,000 Persons in Community Hospitals, 1995-2021

Hospital Trendwatch Chart 2.1: Number of Community Hospitals, 2005-2021

See hospital trends in AHA Trendwatch Chartbook Chart 2.1: Number of Community Hospitals, 2005-2021

Hospital Trendwatch Chart 1.9: Total Prescription Drug Spending, 1980-2021

See hospital trends in AHA Trendwatch Chartbook Chart 1.9: Total Prescription Drug Spending, 1980-2021

Hospital Trendwatch Chart 1.6: Annual Percent Change in National Health Expenditures (NHE) for Selected Health Services and Supplies, 2000-2021

See hospital trends in AHA Trendwatch Chartbook Chart 1.6: Annual Percent Change in National Health Expenditures (NHE) for Selected Health Services and Supplies, 2000-2021

Hospital Trendwatch Chart 1.2: Annual Percent Change in Total National Health Expenditures (NHE), 1980-2021

See hospital trends AHA Trendwatch Chartbook Chart 1.2: Annual Percent Change in Total National Health Expenditures (NHE), 1980-2021

Hospital Trendwatch Chart 5.7: Impact of Community Hospitals on U.S. Jobs, 2021

See hospital trends in AHA Trendwatch Chartbook Chart 5.7: Impact of Community Hospitals on U.S. Jobs, 2021