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52290 Results Found

AONL Staff


AONL Transition to Nurse Manager Practice: Facilitated Cohort

Effective onboarding retains new nurse managers. As your new leaders advance in their leadership journey—let AONL show them the way forward.

AONL Transition to Nurse Manager Practice Programs

Effective onboarding retains new nurse managers. As your new leaders advance in their leadership journey—let AONL show them the way forward.

Mechanic Evaluation and Certification for Health Care (MECH)

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Certified Health Care Facility Manager (CHFM)

Certified Health Care Facility Managers (CHFM) have demonstrated mastery of the five core domains of health care facility management.

Certified Materials & Resource Professionals (CMRP)

Certified Materials & Resource Professionals (CMRP) are experienced health care supply chain and inventory management professionals.

Certified Health Care Constructor (CHC)

Certified Health Care Constructors (CHC) demonstrate proficiency in the complex and regulated environment of health care construction sites.