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57808 Results Found

Pennsylvania hospital serves as a model of cost-saving, sustainable strategies

High-efficiency HVAC system and passive solar features help deliver benefits

Study: Caring for <em>C. difficile</em> patients will contaminate some staff

Health care workers must take extra measures during high-risk contact


A calendar of health care industry events

Quest for quiet leads to a patient kit that's making some noise

System's Quiet Kit helps patients get peaceful rest


July 2014 Toolbox

Construction quarterly

Top health care projects and most active firms

Information you can use to do your job better

The first edition of HFM Infrastructure News is the latest in HFM's expanding roster of e-newsletters

Add these to your summer reading list

Organizations release useful tools for fighting C. difficile

Navigating the globally harmonized system

GHS defines chemical safety standards, stresses communication

Taking advantage of free online classes

ASHE offers a variety of free resources to help you do your job better