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57816 Results Found

Hospital prices rise 0.1% in March

Overall hospital prices increased 0.1% in March and were 0.4% higher than a year ago, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported yesterday.

Mercy Hospice volunteers knows pets are family, too

From a young age, pets play a major role in many of our lives. Studies show people have a special bond with their pets, often considering them a best friend or family member.

Senate passes legislation to permanently replace SGR

The Senate last night voted 92-8 to pass of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act, H.R.

CMS issues updated contingency plan for Medicare physician payments

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services tomorrow will begin releasing held Medicare Physician Fee Schedule claims, paying them on a first-in, first-out basis at the reduced rate required u

ONC announces new grant program to support health information exchange

Community groups can apply through June 16 for a portion of $1 million in grants for projects to support the flow of health information to a wide range of health care providers at the community lev

Study: EDs more prepared to care for children

Hospital emergency departments have improved pediatric readiness based on self-reported compliance with national guidelines, according to new

Study: Breaches of protected health information up since 2010

Between 2010 and 2013, health plans and clinicians reported 949 breaches of protected health information that affected at least 500 people, most resulting from overt criminal activity, according to

National Healthcare Decisions Day is April 16

Health care and community organizations, including hospitals, will participate April 16 in the eighth annual National Healthcare Decisions Day.

Michelle Janney brings voice of nursing to AHA board

The Class of 2017 profiles the women and men who joined the AHA board this year.

Hospital groups urge Senate to support H.R. 2

Nine national hospital organizations, including the AHA, today again expressed support for bipartisan legislation to permanently replace the Medicare physician sustainable growth rate formula.