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57817 Results Found

Advances in floor cleaning equipment

New floor cleaning equipment addresses health care’s concerns regarding patient safety and experience while keeping an eye on costs

Designing spaces for multiple generations

Meeting the needs of a diverse health care workforce

Complying with fire safety codes

Strategies for handling the most commonly cited problems

Retail design strategies for health care

Six ways to design consumer-focused patient environments

Preparing for new challenges

Salary survey data point out need for increased training

Improve your career fitness at the ASHE Conference

Event addresses key health facility issues and offers career development opportunities


July 2015 Toolbox

IOM panel issues recommendations to improve cardiac arrest survival rates

A report released today by the Institute of Medicine recommends strategies and

CMS updates Open Payments website

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services today updated the Open Payments website with 2014 data on transfers o

HHS: Early dialysis reduced hospital visits, deaths after Hurricane Sandy

Dialysis patients in New Jersey and New York City were about 20% less likely to visit an emergency department or be hospitalized in the week after Hurricane Sandy if they received dialysis before t