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57830 Results Found

CDC awards grants to increase colorectal cancer screening

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention today awarded $22.8 million in grants to 24 stat

Reminder: AHA-McKesson Quest for Quality Prize applications due Oct. 11

Oct. 11 is the deadline to apply for the 2016 AHA-McKesson Quest for Quality Prize.

AHA to Congress: Health insurance consolidation could harm consumers, providers

Anthem’s proposed acquisition of Cigna and Aetna’s proposed acquisition of Humana “would further concentrate an already heavily concentrated health insurance industry by eliminati

Designing healing health care interiors

Does your health facility incorporate design elements inspired by its natural surroundings?

Congress urges HHS to hold off on final EHR Stage 3, certification rules

Two Senate committee chairmen and 116 members of the House this week asked the Department of Health and Human Services to refrain from finalizing Stage 3 Meaningful Use requirements for the Medicar

AHA to Congress: Health insurance consolidation could harm consumers, providers

Anthem’s proposed acquisition of Cigna and Aetna’s proposed acquisition of Humana “would further concentrate an already heavily concentrated health insurance industry by eliminati

Senate passes bill extending Medicaid Emergency Psychiatric Demonstration

The U.S. Senate last night approved by unanimous consent AHA-supported legislation (S.

GAO: CMS should do more to ensure adequate access to care for MA enrollees

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services should do more to ensure that Medicare Advantage organizations offer adequate provider networks to meet enrollees’ needs, according to a new <

HHS awards funding for learning networks to transform clinical practice

The Department of Health and Human Services today awarded $68

NAM program to focus on evidence-based solutions to promote 'culture of health'

A new National Academy of Medicine program will review the state of health disparities in the United States and identify examples of community-based solutions to address them.