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57830 Results Found

AHA RACTrac data collection period opens today

The AHA encourages all hospitals to submit data to the quarterly RACTrac survey, available today through Oct. 16.

HPOE guide highlights supplier diversity

A new guide from the AHA’s Hospita

AHA, APIC team up to promote the hand-hygiene pledge

Associations team up to battle health care-associated infections and promote International Infection Prevention Week

Hard flooring designed for health facilities

Today’s resilient hard flooring options address issues such as patient safety and infection control


On our radar, lighting and computerized maintenance management systems

AHA-supported bill to standardize merger review process advances

The House Judiciary Committee today voted 18-10 to approve the Standard Merg

Senate sends short-term spending bill to House

The Senate voted 78-20 today to pass a continuing resolution funding most federal programs at their current levels through Dec. 11.

Senate committee passes bill to address newborn opioid dependency

The Senate Health, Education, Labor & Pensions Committee today approved by voice vote the Protecting Our Infants Act (S.799/H.R.1462).

AHA points to problems with certain consolidation studies cited at hearing

Congress should be skeptical of certain research cited by America’s Health Insurance Plans at a recent hearing on “competition in the health care marketplace,” AHA said today in a

PCORI awards more than $100 million for research studies

The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute this week