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57830 Results Found

Lawmakers push for mental health reform

Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) and Rep. Tim Murphy (R-PA) today urged Congress to move forward on mental health reform.

Panel examines post-ACA health care economics, role of charity care

Charity care alone cannot measure a hospital’s value to its community, AHA President and CEO Rick Pollack said today at a Brookings Institution roundtable on health care economics after imple

AHA urges Congress to pass SMARTER Act

The AHA Oct. 7 urged Congress to pass the Standard Merger and Acquisition Reviews Through Equal Rules (SMARTER) Act, S.

CMS releases final meaningful use rules

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Oct.

Health systems tackle population health with wellness centers

Is your health system planning to open a health and wellness center to address volume to value care?

Becoming a future-focused strategic health care leader

How environmental services leaders can help to guide the future of health care

Centering compliance efforts on frequently cited concerns

ASHE's Focus on Compliance website provides tools to avoid the common Joint Commission citations

Methodist Charlton simplifies fire safety compliance

Hospital works with vendor to develop all-encompassing life safety management program

Designing for brand awareness

Architectural elements help to develop a consumer identity

Environmental services' role in hospital construction

Eight steps for keeping spaces clean and free of patient dangers