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57840 Results Found

CMS announces RAC program improvements

Effective Jan.

AHA, hospitals ask court to compel HHS to comply with mandatory deadlines

Continued and growing delays in review of Medicare claims appeals at the Administrative Law Judge level call for the court to promptly order the Secretary of Health and Human Services to abide by t

WHO declares Sierra Leone free of Ebola virus

The World Health Organization on Saturday declared Sierra Leone free of Ebola virus transmission.

AHA Town Hall webcast Thursday on open enrollment

Join AHA President and CEO Rick Pollack on Thursday, Nov. 12 at 4 p.m.

AHA names new senior executive for policy

The AHA today named Ashley Thompson as its senior vice president for public policy analysis and development.

New Alabama hospital opens after years of delay

Construction team used innovation project management techniques to get the hospital's builidng schedule back on track

MedPAC discusses progress toward unified post-acute payment system

The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission today reported on its ongoing development of a post-acute payment system prototype, the first stage in a multi-step process to replace the current prospecti

White House launches competition to reduce uninsured in 20 communities

Twenty communities will compete to sign up more of their eligible uninsured residents for coverage in the Health Insurance Marketplaces this open enrollment period, the White House

CDC: 16.3 million fewer uninsured than in 2013

An estimated 28.5 million U.S.

Hospitals add 17,800 jobs in October

Employment at the nation's hospitals rose by 0.36% in October to a seasonally adjusted 4,963,200 people, the Bureau of Labor Statistics