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57870 Results Found

New Children's Pavilion meets growing need in urban community

Children's Hospital of Richmond brings high-tech care and playful design into one ambulatory care center

CDC: Share of adults without usual place of care varies widely by state

About 17% of working-age adults lacked a usual place for medical care when surveyed in 2014, ranging from 3% in Vermont to 27% in Nevada, according to a new

1.3 million seniors with severely impaired vision report falling in 2014

Almost half of seniors with severely impaired vision reported falling in 2014, compared with one in three seniors overall, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Hospitals add 22,900 jobs in April

Employment at the nation's hospitals rose by 0.45% in April to a seasonally adjusted 5,065,400 people, the Bureau of Labor Statistics

Hospitals, post-acute care providers look to the future

Post-acute care (PAC) providers are critical partners in the transition toward a more integrated, value-based delivery system, panelists said at a May 1 special AHA Annual meeting briefing.

Hospitals urged to 'find their voice' on advancing equity

Speaking May 1 at a diversity roundtable at the AHA annual meeting, a Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) official expressed her support for the AHA’s #123forEquity Pledge to E

AHA president addresses hospitals' critical role in the community

Also this week: HHS awards $260 million to develop health care infrastructure, CMS adopts new fire safety codes

CMS to consider flexibility for meaningful use

Patrick Conway, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services deputy administrator for innovation and quality and chief medical officer, this week indicated that the agency will consider giving hosp

Medical school enrollment up 25% since 2002

First-year enrollment at U.S.