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57870 Results Found

Seattle Children's Bellevue Clinic's green roof pays dividends

Improved energy efficiency and air quality are just a few benefits of the hospital's new roof

What CMS' changes mean for medical gas system regulations

Here are the implications of moving to the 2012 edition of NFPA 99

Three areas that can benefit from building information modeling

BIM can help support space management, asset management and infection control

Functional flooring designed for health care facilities

Products that assist in noise reduction, infection control and safety gain favor in the market

How to optimize BIM for post-occupancy

Answer these three questions to determine building information modeling needs

Study: Most readmissions after seven days may be beyond hospitals' control

Hospital-level variation in readmissions for Medicare heart attack, heart failure and pneumonia patients rapidly declines in the first seven days after discharge, suggesting that most readmissions

Great Boards fall newsletter available

The fall issue of AHA's Great Boards newsletter features articles on governing com

South Dallas center hailed as new model of care for fighting diabetes

Diabetes has long been health care enemy number one in the South Dallas neighborhood of Frazier, where 60% of residents are unemployed and 33% live below the poverty level.

Mayo seeking partners to conduct research at Living Lab

Mayo's joint project with Delos aims to find out what affects physical and mental health at home and at work