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57872 Results Found

Health care organizations develop workplace violence resources

A few ideas for finding help with hospital safety

BIM isn't just for design and construction

Do you use building information modeling to help manage facility operations?

Creating comforting designs in palliative and hospice facilities

Calming environments aim to put patients and families first

Backup power system serves up data center solution

Eaton system ensures that health care systems' data centers are HIPAA compliant

AHA honors innovation in palliative and hospice facilities

The 2016 Circle of Life award winners set the benchmark for end-of-life care

Cancer centers lead the way in designs that support the continuum of care

Facilities move beyond treating a narrow disease to supporting a patient's entire needs

Modular wall systems provide dynamic options in health care facilities

Prefabricated solutions help to improve flexibility, infection prevention and patient privacy

Flexible casework helps health care facilities adapt

Modular products help to provide long-term savings by adjusting to changes and growth

Building automation moves to next level

Experts predict a world where BAS not only provide automated data, but automated actions, as well


Carpeting, cleaning and other products on our radar