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57888 Results Found

Council issues updated active shooter guide for health care settings

The Healthcare and Public Health Sector Coordinating Council has issued an

HHS alerts public to scam involving OIG hotline number

The Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Inspector today alerted the public to

Pollack, health leaders discuss future of ACA at Miami forum

“Coverage and how we maintain that coverage is absolutely critical,” said AHA President and CEO Rick Pollack during a

ASHE accepting Energy to Care award nominations

Also this week: Studies address harmful bacteria in sink drains and on floors

Verma nomination for CMS administrator advances to full Senate

The Senate Finance Committee today voted 13-12 to advance to the full Senate President Trump’s nomination of Seema Verma to serve as Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services administrator

IRF and LTCH quality data preview reports available through March 30

Inpatient rehabilitation facilities and long-term care hospitals can review their quality data through March 30 before it is reported on the

AHA honors four hospital volunteer programs

The AHA on May 8 will present its Hospital Awards for Volunteer Excellence to four extraordinary programs for thei

AHA webinar March 16 on strategies to address rising medication costs

The AHA will host a free webinar March 16 on strategies to address rising medication costs. The event will feature a case study by The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.