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57887 Results Found

CDC updates blood and tissue safety risk for three Florida counties

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention yesterday announced the potential for increased risk to blood and tissue

Online training on National Healthcare Safety Network available March 20-24

The National Healthcare Safety Network will webcast on March 20-24 its annual training program for people who use the system to submit data on healthcare-associated infections for acute-care or lon

IHI, NPSF to merge; propose 'public health framework' to advance patient safety

The Institute for Healthcare Improvement and National Patient Safety Foundation yesterday

Bronson Methodist Hospital's design still groundbreaking nearly two decades later

The ACHA 2017 Legacy Project Award winner remains just as relevant as when it was first built

CBO estimates impact of ACA repeal legislation on coverage, budget

The Congressional Budget Office and the staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation today released an estimate of the effects o

Medicare inpatient quality reporting deadline unchanged

Hospitals participating in the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’

HHS invites Section 1332 waivers for state high-risk pool, reinsurance programs

Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price today invited states to apply for Section 1332 wavier proposals that include high-risk pool/state-operated reinsurance programs.

ASHE presents 2017 Vista Awards

The AHA’s American Society for Healthcare Engineering today presented 2017 Vista Awards to three h

MHA president and CEO to retire at year end

Massachusetts Health & Hospital Association President and CEO Lynn Nicholas will retire at the end of 2017, the association

Redesign creates modern, patient-centered behavioral care facility

Sharp Mesa Vista Hospital gets makeover that emphasizes staff, patient interaction