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57888 Results Found

Competition ranks America's 20 most beautiful hospitals

The annual list, now in its ninth year, highlights excellence in health care design

House committee approves bills to revise union election process

The House Committee on Education and the Workforce today voted 22-16 to approve legislation to restore certain long-standing union election procedures that the National Labor Relations Board elimin

Joint Commission continues revisions to align with NFPA codes

Also this week: Ransomware hits U.S. hospitals, and NFPA works on new active-shooter standard

CBO: Senate health bill would reduce Medicaid spending 35% in 2036

Federal Medicaid spending under the Better Care Reconciliation Act would be 35% lower in 2036, according to a new

HHS issues update on ransomware attack

The Department of Health and Human Services yesterday issued an update on the new and evolving cyberattack using a

House approves medical liability reform bill

The House of Representatives yesterday voted 218-210 to approve medical liability reform legislation (H.R.

CDC: More adults walking for transportation, leisure

An estimated 65% of women and 63% of men reported walking for transportation or leisure in 2015, according to a

Challenge seeks innovative solutions for hospital electrical distribution

Healthcare Crowdsourcing Challenge to explore IoT impact on electrical distribution

Ransomware attack hits some U.S. hospitals

A new and evolving cyberattack using a variant of ransomware has hit some hospitals and a pharmaceutical company in the United States, as well as businesses in Ukraine, India, France, Russia and Sp