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57806 Results Found


Carilion Clinic - Adolescent and Student Health Services

What is it?The Roanoke Adolescent Health Partnership was established in 1992 by Carilion Clinic and its community partners to improve access to health care for children, provide pregnancy-

Community Medical Center - Random Act of Community

What is it?The Random Act of Community campaign supports local small businesses and strengthens the sense of community in Missoula.

Prairie Lakes Healthcare System - Window of Hope - A Grief Healing Retreat

What is it?Facilitated by a Prairie Lakes pastoral care representative and social worker, the one-day Grief Healing Retreat encourages participants to share feelings, questions and concern

Garden Park Medical Center - Excel By 5

What is it?Initially funded by Chevron, Garden Park Medical Center’s Excel by 5 is an innovative community awareness program that asks communities across Mississippi to study how well they

Indiana University Health - Garden on the Go<sup>&#174</sup>

What is it?Garden on the Go is Indiana University (IU) Health’s year-round mobile produce delivery program.

Fairfield Medical Center - Fairfield County Opiate Task Force

What is it?Composed of judges, hospital staff, law enforcement, social service agencies, business owners, recovery centers and community members, including recovering addicts and their fam

Beebe Healthcare - File of Life Packets

What is it?To help people better document their medications in case of a medical emergency, Beebe Healthcare in 1999 began distributing File of Life packets.

St. Jude Children's Research Hospital - St. Jude-Methodist Sickle Cell Disease Transition Clinic

What is it?The clinic helps teens and young adults with sickle cell disease (SCD) make the leap from St. Jude to adult-care facilities of their choice.

Renown Health - Healing Arts

What is it?Through the Healing Arts program, Renown Health partners with local art agencies, the University School of Medicine and area school districts to showcase original artwork from l

Loma Linda University Health - Loma Linda University PossAbilities

What is it?This free program offers individuals with disabilities who were born with or have suffered a permanent physical injury a sense of community, helping them live their lives to the