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57806 Results Found

CMS finalizes rule to cancel bundled payment models

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services today issued a final rule that cancels the cardiac and surgi

Survey examines hospital security plans, response

A majority of hospitals have adopted aggressive training programs designed to de-escalate security situations before they intensify, according to the 2016 Hospital Security Survey.

Eliminating Racial and Ethnic Disparities - Government Links

Resources Resources

Eliminating Racial and Ethnic Disparities - Funding Links

Resources Resources

Eliminating Racial and Ethnic Disparities - AHA Links

Resource Links Resource Link

AHA: Hospital security a complex issue

A recent New York Times article on the changing nature of health care facility security “hig


Once again this week, we watched in horror as innocent victims lost their lives to senseless violence in Orlando.

Addressing Violence to Achieve our Vision

This has been a very disturbing and emotional week for our country. We know full well that there are racial disparities in our health care system and we are working hard to address them.